I ready today on Slashdot about the Electrolux Robot Vacuum Cleaner. This is a cordless battery powered device that goes around and vacuum cleans the house. If its battery gets discharged, then it finds the charger and charges itself and resumes the cleaning. Sounds like a pretty good idea and despite its limitations someday it will get more popular and cheaper. Technology excites me and I would surely buy these gadgets but…

In India where I come from, maid servants do all the house hold work. Appliances such as washing machines, dish washers and vaccum cleaners are a threat to their livelyhood. They are generally not educated or skilled enough to do other high skilled jobs. The last time I spoke to my maid servant and asked her what she spends her earning on. Apart from food, etc., she spends a considerable amount on her children’s education. Thats important, to ensure that her children get the education, can do more skilled jobs, earn more and improve their quality of life. I hope people realise that and think before they replace their maids with vaccum cleaners.