Posted by Prakash under General
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I have been thinking of why people should put their Disaster Recovery (DR) site in the cloud. This makes perfect sense, here is why.
Typically a DR site cost as much as the primary data centers. This is because organisations need to replicate every component of their data center. Match every server with the same specifications: CPU, memory and storage.
DR is necessary because you need business continuity when disaster strikes.
But you will invest all that in a DR and disaster may never strike. Is DR worth the investment then ?
Solution is to put the DR in the cloud. Advantages are as follows:
- You create exact replica of your setup in the cloud.
- You fire up the DR in the cloud, only when Disaster strikes. Which when there is no disaster you are only paying for the disk space usage.
- You only pay for the full cloud instances when disaster strikes.
- You not only save money but you are also more environment friendly because you are not unnecessarily keeping your servers running.
- The cloud providers also do their own DR, which means you even enhance your redundancy further.
Are you worried about putting your data in the public cloud? Then a few companies can get together and setup their own private cloud DR.
Indian enterprises are already adoption DR in the cloud.
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